Jan/Feb 2019

Volume 30, Issue 1
Following the female line
The Julio-Claudian emperors owed their unbroken dynastic succession to certain feisty women, who were seen to embody specific Roman virtues, which were then reflected by the state. Guy de la Bédoyère
Looking for the lost tombs
Despite the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb nearly a century ago, the Valley of the Kings has still not been fully excavated and there are many pharaonic resting-places that have yet to be located. Chris Naunton
A force of nature
A reappraisal of the powerful work of sculptor Dame Elisabeth Frink shines a light on her darker obsessions – from birds of prey to assassins, and the human-animal condition. Calvin Winner
Strawberry Hill forever
Some of the many art treasures amassed by the modest 18th-century collector, Horace Walpole, are once again gracing his famous 'little Gothic castle' near the Thames in Twickenham. Dominic Green
Here comes the Sun
A major exhibition at the Science Museum in London revolves around the Sun and shows how our knowledge of the 'Great Day Star' has been steadily growing since the dawn of time. Harry Cliff
A safe and harbouring place
Aquileia, a once-great port not far from Venice, has a wonderful basilica with a vast mosaic floor and a newly refurbished museum, yet it remains one of Italy's little-known gems. Dalu Jones
In the name of the Emperor
Legionaries, the highly disciplined soldiers at the heart of the Roman war-machine, evolved under different rulers, who changed what they wore, how they fought and how much they were paid. Simon Elliot