May / June 2017

Volume 28, issue 3
Along the Wall with Hadrian’s cavalry
A look at the role of the mounted soldier on Britain’s northern border as 10 museums along the length of Hadrian’s Wall celebrate the 1900th anniversary of this Roman Emperor’s accession. Mike C Bishop
A fine figure
Exquisite Ancient Greek red-figure vases, attributed to the ‘Berlin Painter’ by the Oxford scholar Sir John Beazley more than a century ago, go on show at Princeton University Art Museum. Dominic Green
Dining with Socrates and Nero
Banquets in antiquity, from Ancient Greek symposia to decadent Roman dinners, involving serious discussions and frivolous feasting, as an exhibition in Marseilles shows. Nicole Benazeth
On parade in Pompeii
How the ruined city of Pompeii, once a melting-pot of Greek, Roman and indigenous peoples, came to influence 20th-century artists such as Picasso and his work for the Ballet Russe’s Parade. Dalu Jones
Blood lines of Rome
Following her debut history book, The First Ladies of Rome, Annelise Freisenbruch explains why she chose Hortensia to be the heroine of her first novel, set in the legal world of ancient Rome. Diana Bentley
Surveying the past
Britain’s ancient landscapes with their monumental stones and chalk hill-figures have stirred the imagination of many artists seeking to capture their grandeur and mystery. Theresa Thompson
Monumental myths
The life and legacy of the towering Victorian artist GF Watts, born 200 years ago, is being celebrated at his gallery and house in the Surrey village of Compton. Dominic Green